About EAP-Training

Class Description

Entrepreneurship Apprenticeship Practicum (EAP) Training is a unique entrepreneur training experience where the apprentice sets-up a marketing sole proprietorship to learn the foundation and fundamentals of a real business operation and eventually, earns generates cash flow.
As technology develops with more speed college graduates and future entrepreneurs are more likely to change jobs several times in one’s career. EAP is a hands-on course and real experience in becoming a new economy entrepreneur or a new economy employee prepared for our technological economy. The course is a life course all should participate in no matter their socio-economic status, race or position in life. It is the “Education Beyond Education” where you are trained to build future entrepreneurial skills.

The Digital Divide

The digital divide for Black and Brown owned business is wide and long. Many businesses suffer from lack of marketing advertising, lack of technical support and lack proper funding. The apprentice will work on skills relevant for the digital market place.

Apprentice Qualifications

Qualifications for this practicum includes Internet ability, determination, congeniality and willingness to learn, take risks and process updated concepts and perspectives in business development. The trainee, ages 12-100, should be able to follow directives, set realistic goals and work towards achieving the goals. They must have Internet and cell phone access. Families are encouraged to participate as a team.

The EAP-Training Curriculum

The EAP-Training Curriculum is sequenced into 5 modules: (1) Personal Development/Cultural Perspectives, (2) Civic Leadership and Oratory Forum, (3) Technology and Business, (4) Business Communication and (5) Business Application for Employment/Self-Employment. The Practicum will be a direct interface with technology, marketing and advertising.

Self-Taught Classes

With 6 hours per module the apprentice will take breaks when needed. Apprenticeship should complete the class within 3 months at the longest. All modules and the practicum should take no more that 6 weeks. During the same 6 weeks you will experience your practicum, speaking to small business by phone, Internet and in person. Minority businesses will be chosen within the first week of the class. A survey for minority businesses to identify technology needs student will set up a plan to provide necessary services. Some services requested may be editing, fliers, posters, advertising, marketing, selling, presenting, finding resources, social media, and finding staff! Students may choose to work on other relevant business projects. There will be opportunity for tailoring the class to individual needs.